Mark Fowler: Why the US is still a leader among markets
The five factors to look for in a "safe haven" investment market.
The five factors to look for in a "safe haven" investment market.
Are you looking for a property with growth potential — or a place to live?
The non-for-profit has made a $90 million surplus.
The fund says its performance will not be adversely impacted by the move.
Falling KiwiSaver balances have weighed on potential buyers.
Apex to deepen its reach into NZ with purchase of Implemented Investment Holdings.
How far would you go to achieve financial independence?
OPINION: With inflation, you could effectively be earning less than you did last year.
"Valuation has decreased from its peak towards the figure [it] sold at," say owners.
Private insurance to take a hit if proposed state income insurance scheme goes ahead.
All 11 fund managers the Herald spoke to were in dark over the Govt's GST change.
Prices plateaued in August, sales numbers remained low - Peter Thompson
The number of new advisers coming into the industry has slowed to a trickle.
A business could be cheaper than a house, and actually makes you money.
OPINION: Leaving your TV on standby will use power and cost you money.
Going up, things can be very good, but coming down, it can get nasty.
Tidying up the current proposed bill will make transport emissions savings achievable.
New Zealand loan book growth was affected by credit law tightening.
'Paranoia' and spotlight switched on before arrest, Tenancy Tribunal dispute.
Around 40 per cent of over 65s are expected to be renting by 2048.
'House shouldn't make any difference to the cliff stability because it's far enough back.'
It's hard to strike the right balance between getting ahead and living a good lifestyle.
OPINION: There are ways to keep the bill down.
Listen: Financial advice guru Mary Holm shares her thoughts on life, money and investing.
Rate hikes, and removal of interest charges on late tax payments, triggers perfect storm.
Diversification is a winning investment strategy — but how much is enough?
The company is consolidating its products.
Security is the biggest priority when it comes to making payments.
Casino operator weathers lockdown-ravaged year with revenues down a third.