Latest fromPersonal Finance
Property values now 5pc below 2007
Property values across NZ have fallen 1.4pc since March, with big city valuers reporting a lack of well presented, quality properties on the market.
<i>Inside Money: </i>Reality bites KiwiSaver property scheme
Without even a goodbye another KiwiSaver scheme has slipped over the side into oblivion.
Auckland house prices, listings up
Auckland house prices rebounded during September, after falling the month earlier, figures released by Barfoot and Thompson show.
Win some, lose some with GST
Prices on some household items have risen more than double the cost of yesterday's GST increase - despite many retailers choosing to take a hit.
Unravelling Hubbard entities becoming a nightmare
Many farm businesses believed their loans were personally with Allan Hubbard, not Aorangi.
Hubbard investors get 3c payout
Allan Hubbard has offered to subordinate his own interests and make up any losses to investors.
Auditor gives Allied Farmers only qualified opinion
Auditors have given Allied Farmers' financial statements only a qualified opinion, and have raised concerns about the going concern basis of the company and the carrying value of assets.
Hubbard report - investors get 3c in the dollar now
Hubbard investors have been told they'll be paid three cents in the dollar this month, but will have to wait till next year for possibly another 20 cents.
Allied Farmers auditor says unsure if company can survive
Allied Farmers' auditor PwC says it hasn't enough evidence to say whether the company can be viewed as a going concern.
<i>Stock Takes</i>: Tasty pickings
It's not just Chinese investors looking to buy NZ food companies.