Latest fromPersonal Finance

Mark Hotchin's comeback plan
Former Hanover Finance head Mark Hotchin is trying to resurrect his career from his new base on the Gold Coast, despite an order that has frozen all his personal assets.

<i>Inside Money:</i> A bourse is a bourse, a bourse of course
The global insignificance of our own tiny bourse.

Hotchin admits he is family trust beneficiary
Hanover Finance founder Mark Hotchin has admitted he remains the discretionary beneficiary of a family trust amid claims his personal wealth is "very low".

David Henderson fights $130m bankruptcy case
David Henderson, Auckland's most flamboyant and once wealthy developer, will earn a salary of $75,000 if his proposal to avert bankruptcy over a $130 million debt is approved by the High Court.

'I'm sorry': Mark Hotchin fronts up
Embattled financier Mark Hotchin has apologised to investors who lost money when Hanover Finance collapsed but strenuously denied he was living a life of luxury in a live television interview this evening.

Pero slashes commissions on top home sales
Real estate agents will be sticking pins into Mike Pero wax dolls, says one industry commentator, as the entreprenuer cuts commission rates for his new venture.

Warrant for Bryers' arrest over unpaid $37,500 fine
A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Blue Chip's Mark Bryers for non-payment of a fine.

Ron Brierley hits out at Gibbs' 'phoney' claim
The claim by Tony Gibbs that he pushed for the AGM to be held in New Zealand is 'phoney' says Ron Brierley.

Agents offering cut-price deals, says real estate commentator
They won't advertise it, but many real estate agents are already offering cut-price commissions in a bid to secure sales, says a leading property commentator.

<i>Inside Money :</i> The anonymous industry
Are new financial adviser regulations behind a stagnant New Zealand life insurance market?

Axa boosts earnings on KiwiSaver uptake
Axa New Zealand boosted its earnings 24 per cent in the year to December 31.

Low ball 'sharks' will keep circling until law changed, says law firm
The government must restrict access to share registers and require offers to stay open for a reasonable length of time to protect unsophisticated investors from low ball offers, says Chapman Tripp partner Roger Wallis.

Hanover probe gathering pace
The Securities Commission says its investigation into failed finance company Hanover Finance is gathering pace and it hopes to be able to update the market next month.

<i>Inside Money :</i> Why KiwiSaver highflyers are due to land
Both Huljich and Fidelity have recently made significant changes to their KiwiSaver businesses that point to a slowdown dead ahead.