Latest fromPersonal Finance

McKenna tries to win last-minute bankruptcy deal
Property developer Nigel McKenna, facing bankruptcy over an $880,000 debt, has put forward a $150m creditors proposal although he could owe as much as $260m.

Nathans Finance directors 'blind' to their duties
Nathans Finance directors were blinded by their ambition for parent company VTL, a vending machine business, to the extreme detriment of the subsidiary's Kiwi investors, the High Court heard yesterday.

Insolvency - Kill or cure?
They're our corporate doctors. But do receivers and liquidators deliver the right medicine, or just bleed the patient dry? Karyn Scherer reports.

TrustPower low-ball share offer warning
A TrustPower investor is warning other shareholders to beware of an unsolicited share offer with a twist.

<i>Inside Money:</i> Doh a double D (minus)
NZ fund managers rated the most stink in the world by Morningstar.

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: Shareholder activist deserves to be heard
John Hepburn raises valid points on the Hotchin debacle and media coverage of it.

NZ managed funds still rate poorly - Morningstar study
New Zealand continues to rate poorly for investors in managed funds, according to a global study conducted by investment research company Morningstar.

Mark Lister: How to cut the risks from higher oil prices
Middle East tension poses a threat to the delicate global recovery.

<i> Inside Money: </i> Nothing PIEs coming up
A critical ingredient of New Zealand's mysteriously exciting 'financial hub' project is being secretly prepared by the IRD this month.