Latest fromPersonal Finance

Bridgecorp investors close to receiving first payout
Beleaguered Bridgecorp investors could soon get their first distribution from the failed property lender's receivers, nearly four years after the company collapsed.

Michael Pollard: Signs of recovery in local M&A
Simpson Grierson corporate partner Michael Pollard reflects on the state of the New Zealand corporate deal market.

Govt Kiwisaver cuts slammed
Cutting Kiwisaver incentives means middle and lower-income New Zealanders are paying the price for the Government's poor economic management, according to the Green Party.

<i>Bernard Hickey:</i> Havens for rich tax avoiders will cripple NZ
Avoiding and minimising tax is almost a national sport...

Homeless Blue Chip victims in grief
Anthony Collingwood didn't know how true his words would prove to be when he abused former Blue Chip boss Mark Bryers at the Auckland District Court. "I hope you feel good putting me out in the street, boy..."

<i>Diana Clement:</i> Bad financial advice creates debt delusion
Deluded. That's what a lot of people are about their debts.