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<i>Mary Holm:</i> Trimmed KiwiSaver still best bet
Self-employed and other non-employees - including beneficiaries and those taking care of young children - will probably lose most in the KiwiSaver changes.

KiwiSaver changes called 'great tax switcheroo'
For savers who earn more than $58,000, the Government is taking more of previously tax-free employer contributions than it pays out.

<i>Mary Holm:</i> Silver rather than gold-plated, but still hard to beat
The gainers from the Budget's KiwiSaver changes are those who don't belong to the scheme....

Mighty River Power tipped to be first SOE on sales block
Government looks for $5b to $7b from sell-downs and smaller holding in Air NZ.

They give, and they take away
Savings include KiwiSaver clawbacks while big spend is on quake and education.

Mary Holm: Beware 'hands-off' investments
Buying foreclosed properties in the US as an investment?

Liam Dann: Cuts to KiwiSaver could return to haunt us
The Govt's proposed changes would undermine KiwiSaver's potential to create jobs, writes Liam Dann.

David Farrar: A battered budget
A combination of the global credit crisis, recession, finance company collapses and two quakes have produced arguably the worst fiscal situation since the 1930s...