Latest fromPersonal Finance

IRD first in line for Datasouth money hunt
Inland Revenue is standing ahead of failed South Canterbury Finance for money from ex-Datasouth Group boss Gavin Bennett.

Turners and Growers in German takeover bid
Turners and Growers has received a takeover offer from German company BayWa, with the...

Inside Money: Greens thicken the KiwiSaver default plot
The Greens have put my KiwiSaver conspiracy theory officially on the election agenda...

National plans loan shark clampdown
National will change the law to clamp down on dodgy loans by forcing lenders not to give loans to people who would face significant hardship in repaying them.

Inside Money: Total KiwiSaver - a fee by FUM analysis
New numbers show the true cost of KiwiSaver management might be lower than many thought.

Inside Money: Watchdog warns on free hors d'oeuvre offer
FMA warns potential property investors with no income to 'eat and run' at seminars...

Nathans Finance auditor court bid may derail $66m claim
A bid by Nathans Finance's former auditor could put an end to a $66 million claim brought by the failed finance company's receiver.

New tax on flight upgrades
Passengers who upgrade to business class for flights out of London will have to fork out an extra $160 under a new tax.