Latest fromPersonal Finance

Brent Sheather: PIEs vs ETFs
The economics of investing in international shares through local PIE funds is not compelling...

City affordable, if you start small
More than half of Aucklanders think first-time home buyers should turn their back on the city to get on the property ladder, a Herald-DigiPoll survey shows.

KiwiSaver fees vital factor
Savers should question how much their KiwiSaver provider is charging because it can have a big impact on their nest egg at retirement, says a financial ratings firm.

Lessons from trade deals and swindlers
Haier's proposed $1.20 a share offer for Fisher & Paykel Appliances has been very cleverly priced.

No reserve, but not a steal
It could have been one of the world's cheapest homes with no reserve price at auction. Instead the three-bedroom Hamilton property sold for a respectable price.

Inside Money: Conduct becoming - report tweaks financial bill
The Financial Markets Conduct (FMC) bill is a 600-plus page document whose full contents are probably best digested by lawyers and insomniacs...

Helen Twose: Saving is smart for beneficiaries
In the first of a new weekly KiwiSaver column, Helen Twose responds to a reader who asks if he can sign up someone to KiwiSave without their consent...

College investors manage $250,000 investment fund
A group of Auckland college students, charged with managing a quarter million dollar investment portfolio are about to make their second big donation to charity.

Live Chat replay: Money Week with Sue Brown from the FMA
A replay of the live chat with Sue Brown from the Financial Markets Authority.

Brent Sheather: Return-free risk
The cost of investing via managed funds through intermediaries is far too high, relative to returns, so investors are frequently left with return-free risk...

Auckland stays hot but towns chilly
Today's Herald QV Quarterly Property Report underlines how heated segments of the property market are - with Auckland again leading the way.

Property Report: Tough in the provinces but Hamilton is stirring
The provincial towns and cities are well below their 2007 peaks, but there are signs of life south of the Bombays, reports Bruce Morris.