Latest fromPersonal Finance

Mary Holm: Tax equation for rentals and shares
Stocks are an investment taxed in much the same way as rental property. Neither has a clear tax advantage

Diana Clement: Insurance you didn't know you needed
If that ancient tree on your property was blown down in the wind and took the power lines or your neighbour's fence down, who would pay for the damage?

Investing in shares: Part 4
How long should I hold on to my shares? What are the most common mistakes made by first-time investors?

Investing in shares - Beginner's guide: Part 3
How do I choose which companies to invest in? And what does it mean to have a diversified portfolio?

Helen Twose: Aussie transfer won't buy house
My partner and I have recently moved back to New Zealand after spending two years away working in Australia.

Roll up for bowling club apartments
Fourteen apartments, starting from $1.25 million, will be built on the Ponsonby Bowling Club site in Herne Bay in Auckland.

How to invest in shares: Part 1
Today we launch part one of our latest video series - a beginner's guide to investing in the sharemarket.

Diana Clement: Key ways to save yourself from trouble
Money advice often comes with a lashing of snake oil. Those wanting you to follow their advice have an investment to sell. And the advice is tailored to their marketing pitch.

Mary Holm: Weigh risk with worst case scenario
Mary Holm answers your personal finance questions.

Mary Holm: If you don't understand it, steer clear
Sales pitch can be convincing but too often complicated investments are much riskier than portrayed

Float price range tipped to stay
The political furore over the partial privatisation of Mighty River Power will put downward pressure on the final price paid for shares in the electricity generator and retailer.

Merger in pipeline for industrial investors
A Property For Industry investor is waiting for more information on a proposal to almost double the size of the $382.2 million NZX-listed business.

Liam Dann: Politicians key to fixing housing bubble
Business editor Liam Dann is stumped as to what possible benefit the rise in the value of his house offers him.

Locals demand quality housing
Lynette O'Brien supports intensification of Papatoetoe so long as it is not like the "concrete jungle" of stucco townhouses in Shirley Rd.

Freeze order against Dragon's Den company
IRD has this morning obtained freezing orders over property in a company directed by Paul Webb, a former Dragon's Den judge.