Labour housing policy could breach FTA
Labour's housing policy to restrict house sales to foreigners could be at odds with New Zealand's Free Trade Agreement with China.
Labour's housing policy to restrict house sales to foreigners could be at odds with New Zealand's Free Trade Agreement with China.
Labour leader David Shearer says he "makes no apologies" for his party's proposal to exclude all offshore buyers from the New Zealand housing market.
It's risky policy for a liberal, left-of-centre party because it leaves them open to accusations of xenophobia, writes Liam Dann.
The KiwiSaver active versus passive debate has been reignited following recent articles by Diana Clement in the Business Herald, Paul McBeth in the Listener and Rob Stock, the money editor of the Sunday Star-Times, in an Auckland suburban newspaper.
Inland Revenue says the conviction of three businessmen for tax evasion today shows there are consequences when the rules are broken deliberately.
Jamie Peters salvaged property from his "crumbling" businesses, secured hundreds of thousands of dollars for his family and managed his bankruptcy on his own terms, the High Court has been told.
Following the Ross Asset Management disaster the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) has produced a report on discretionary investment management services (DIMS).
A major new global plan aimed at forcing multinationals to pay more taxes has been described as underwhelming and disappointing by a Kiwi tax expert.
Could you please tell me if I will be able to continue in my KiwiSaver scheme as I joined in July 2008, so almost five years ago.
Could a monkey do a better job at investing than your KiwiSaver manager? The answer may surprise you.
A major Australian superannuation fund provider is refusing to let Kiwis bring their retirement savings home - despite a government deal being struck.
Jamie Peters was put up in a $1200&-a-week Remuera house by a company that almost a year earlier had cancelled the bankrupt property developer's employment agreement.
We need to be as clever as clever now and forever to get our savings scheme working to meet New Zealand's next boom, writes Peter Neilson.
More than $300,000 from the sale of a $2 million luxury yacht ended up with a company directed by his father-in-law, a court heard yesterday.
A former rich-lister is back at the High Court today, fighting to be discharged from bankruptcy - one of 24 the Official Assignee has objected to releasing.
A Bankrupt Kiwi property developer is still living in a 660sq m Las Vegas home despite defaulting on its $2.8 million mortgage four years ago.
One of the country's main bicycle retailers says stores will go out of business unless the Government finds a way to charge GST on overseas online purchases.