Latest fromPersonal Finance

Top NZ shares of 2013
Which companies have been the best performers on the NZX this year? With graphic.

Helen Twose: House ownership via firm a grey area
I generally have a good understanding of KiwiSaver, in that withdrawing money has to be for your first home and your principal place of residence.

Mary Holm: Use windfall to pay off the mortgage
I'd appreciate some quick advice about what to do with a $4500 "windfall".

Trade Me lifts profit, issues warning
Trade Me, New Zealand's largest online auction site, posted slower profit growth for 2013 and warned earnings growth would remain tepid in the coming year.

Helen Twose: Two investment vehicles give diversity
Adding KiwiSaver to private superannuation scheme brings extra fees but can lead to a better retirement.

Inside Money: Code on the road - new rules for advisers
Financial advisers in New Zealand live by a code. And the first rule of the code, is to know the code.

Helen Twose: Second home can still count as your first
For those who previously bought a house, qualification to withdraw savings is decided by Housing New Zealand.

Mary Holm: Low return points to large entry fee
Q: On retiring from farming at 70, I was tempted to invest in houses and live off the rental income. Property had always been a good investment so far.

Buoyant note all round at Goodman annual meeting
The board and investors in NZX-listed Goodman Property Trust struck an upbeat note at yesterday's annual meeting in Auckland.

Helen Twose: Investment property funding ruled out
My partner and I have been living in Australia since the start of the year because we can save more here than we could ever in New Zealand for a house.

Mary Holm: Prospects will push up share prices
The Government seems anxious to discourage people from owning overseas shares. The rules for people holding more than $50,000 of shares overseas, which is a trifling amount, are complex beyond belief.

FX trader admits stealing $830k
A 42-year-old foreign exchange trader has pleaded guilty to stealing from investors that included his family and friends.

Tax warning on bringing Aussie super money home
New Zealanders who have money saved in Australian superannuation schemes should think carefully before choosing to bring their money home, says a financial adviser.

Trade warning on home buying ban
Plans by the Labour Party to exclude foreign buyers from the housing market have sparked more calls for restrictions and warnings about the risk of damaging the country's relationships with its major trading partners.

Helen Twose: KiwiSaver nest-egg for grandchildren
Our question is that we are considering putting $10,000 each into starting a KiwiSaver account for our grandkids as inheritance. They are 10, 15 and 18.