More angel money on table
Angel investment levels have bounced back this year, driven by an increase in follow-on funding into existing start-ups, according to figures released today.
Angel investment levels have bounced back this year, driven by an increase in follow-on funding into existing start-ups, according to figures released today.
You don't have to be an employee to be part of KiwiSaver, but the rules are a bit different.
In the light of the latest step by churchgoers in Auckland to further align their money with their values, all investors are being challenged to think.
With quantitative easing muddying economies, it's hard to know when to convert currency into kiwi dollars.
Q: I was wondering if I can withdraw some of my KiwiSaver without withdrawing it all. I am 66 years old and I have not touched it at all.
You die before your children turn 20. Whether you've written a will or not, the money that goes to them will be held in trust until they're 20. And that can be mighty costly.
A Wellington businessman has been sentenced to three years and six months in prison for his part in an aggressive tax evasion scheme.
KiwiSaver members should look at how much they are paying in fees because the amount varies greatly between providers, says a financial research firm.
The NZ dollar has retained its status as one of the world's most-traded currencies, churning through an average US$12.4 billion of transactions every day during April.
Inland Revenue not legally obliged to notify companies when they no longer need to pay into KiwiSaver.
Following on from his 'Want to succeed in trading? Don't do this!' column, Nick McDonald looks at the how you can make a complete mess on the markets.
It's time to make Google, Apple and other multinational companies pay more taxes, say G20 leaders.
A former restaurant owner found guilty of illegally claiming nearly $380,000 is sentenced to 10 months home detention and a reparation order of $7500.
"It looks like we're becoming as rare as pandas," well-known Auckland financial adviser, Murray Weatherston told me last week.
The Inland Revenue Department has clawed back more than $18 million from people who paid themselves artificially low salaries.
Much-publicised, long awaited changes to Auckland's canyon-like Federal St car rat run.
My analysis of where all the financial advisors are - where do you actually go to find independence?