Dita De Boni: No escaping data collectors
You can take away her smooth, glowing skin, her naivety and her carefree chuckle, but you can never completely remove the little girl from the woman.
You can take away her smooth, glowing skin, her naivety and her carefree chuckle, but you can never completely remove the little girl from the woman.
'I have just found out that my employer has not been paying my KiwiSaver contributions or employer contributions.' Now what? Helen Twose tells you.
Wouldn't you love to manage your own retirement funds? Instead of handing them over to a KiwiSaver provide, you research and buy the assets, which could include individual equities and even rental properties.
Six years on, the majority of KiwiSaver members remain in the default conservative funds where they were automatically placed on first joining the scheme, writes Blair Turnbull.
I read your interesting recent article on the Welcome Home Loan and believe it might apply to our returning daughter
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission says it has frozen the assets of a man who came to the attention of New Zealand's Financial Markets Authority.
I wonder where the bankrupt correspondents who wrote to you live. If it is in Auckland or environs I suggest they think about relocating to a country town for the following reasons.
A USB stick with sensitive information about 1200 clients of a life insurance company has been stolen from an employee's car.
Lawyer first port of call for grandparent bequests but KiwiSaver offers options for supporting grandchildren, writes Helen Twose.
Home-loan risk can be spread by keeping some floating and the rest fixed over both shorter and longer terms.
KiwiSaver funds with higher exposure to shares were the best performers over the September quarter, according to Morningstar.