Giant landlord gets a tick from investors
Institutional investors are praising the annual result of Kiwi Income Property Trust, saying it reflects the management shakeup which saw the exit of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
Institutional investors are praising the annual result of Kiwi Income Property Trust, saying it reflects the management shakeup which saw the exit of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
I have a KiwiSaver account, and am very happy with the gradual accumulation of savings.
Avoiding having to pay for something is the equivalent to receiving money, writes Mary Holm. Both improve your wealth.
Life is expensive and some decades are more costly than others. One of the most expensive is from age 25 to 35.
As per its pre-budget propaganda, the Australian government has put its aging population on notice: retirement has been postponed.
Being asked by a friend of family member for money can be such an emotionally charged situation, writes Tamsyn Parker.
The FSC has reiterated its call for preferential KiwiSaver tax rates, describing the current regime as "most punitive tax regime for retirement saving that we have been able to find in the developed world".
On one hand the reserve bank wants to raise interest rates. On the other hand, it does not want the kiwi dollar remaining so high.
As the Labour Party looks across the Tasman for superannuation inspiration, another Australian "independent think-tank" has cast an envious glance our way.
Readers of this column will know that it advocates achieving exposure to shares and other risky assets, in part, via passive funds.
An Auckland mortgage trust has won a $3.1 million High Court claim against a company part-owned by a bankrupt property developer.
A former rich-lister recently discharged from bankruptcy is heading back to court, facing charges including misleading authorities and concealing property.
A bias is influencing market commentary. Barry Ritholtz takes a look at the motivations of various pundits, strategists and fund managers.
National fired a broadside yesterday at Labour's plan to control interest rates with the help of compulsory KiwiSaver.
We've heard a lot about interest rate rises and the effect on house buyer mortgage costs. But when will the banks be putting up the return on the savings of people with term deposits?
Dealing with tenants is one of the biggest banes of many landlords' lives. Many break the rules, break things, or call in the middle of the night complaining about plumbing or rats in the roof.
Is silver being undermined by its association with gold?
Florida is joining 20 other states that collect sales tax on Amazon purchases, meaning just about everything bought there will now cost 6 per cent more.
Labour’s proposal to transform KiwiSaver into a direct instrument of monetary policy has generated acres of comment.
Australia’s A$1.7 trillion super system has come in for another mauling, this time at the hands of “independent think tank”, the Grattan Institute.
The industry needs to win the public's trust before people will hand over their retirement savings in exchange for a regular income.
By age 67 I will, according to a digitally-imagined version of my future self look equal parts ex-coalminer and chimpanzee.
Despite all the time and effort going into behavioural finance these days it seems many investors still buy high and sell low.