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Inside Money: Do-good report shows NZ is 40pc ethical
According to a new report from the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA), ethical investments increased by at least 13 per cent over the year to December 2013.

Kiwis join $140m Fiji resort plan
Four New Zealand businessmen have joined Americans to develop Vunabaka, a new $140 million Fiji resort, where the first stage of construction is nearly finished.

How to make $3000 multiply
Banks are handing out free money to new borrowers - and if you use it well, you can make it more than five times as valuable.

Diana Clement: Misleading an insurer can lose your cover
Read the fine print to ensure you stay within the insurance policy rules, writes Diana Clement.

Mary Holm: Insurance option on KiwiSaver cash
Q: I saw the CEO of the Financial Services Council on TV talking about an insurance option to protect the loss of KiwiSaver amounts due to a recession. Does this cover have any merit?

Rich French fleeing taxes find sanctuary in Portugal
French tax hikes over the last three years and fiscal breaks provided by Portugal are driving rich French to seek homes in the Atlantic-hugging country.

Inside Money: How to share and enjoy finance again
I don't ever recall enjoying waiting in queues or arguing with a person behind a plexiglass panel about cheque clearance times.

Tamsyn Parker: Is KiwiSaver really unaffordable?
More than two million people have joined KiwiSaver, but a significant chunk of the working population are still not in the scheme, saying they can't afford it.

KiwiSaver: Can I pay less than 3pc?
I am not in Kiwisaver as I can't afford to lose the minimum 3 per cent from my wages.

Mary Holm: Logic for some in new-car buying
Q: I have been following the new car discussion with interest. I would like to suggest the following thoughts to purchasers of a new car.

What do the super-rich lose sleep over?
While many of us lie awake worrying about how to keep on top of the mortgage and bills a global study has revealed the super-rich lose sleep over their money causing lack of ambition in their children.

Tamsyn Parker: Relying on your man for your insurance plan?
Both women and men need to take responsibility for their finances, and unfortunately insurances are part of that, writes Tamsyn Parker.

Inflation holds steady
Inflation held steady in the June quarter as gains in power prices and home rentals were offset by cheaper package holidays, vehicles and liquor.

Kiwisaver: Can you buy first home in Oz?
Generally speaking home buyers can dip into their funds after three years of joining KiwiSaver to buy their first home. But what if that home's in Australia?

Former rich-lister pleads not guilty
A former rich-lister charged with misleading authorities and concealing property has pleaded not guilty.

Nick McDonald: More trading lessons from the World Cup
The World Cup provides many lessons for anyone looking to perform at the highest level and that includes those in the challenging world of trading financial markets.

Mary Holm: Kiwisaver bank link?
Account provider can’t use KiwiSaver funds to settle debts without permission, but there could be exceptions.

Diana Clement: Insurance - it's a tough game for women
Women sometimes get a raw deal when it comes to insurance, for varied reasons. For one, most leave sorting out the insurance to their husbands, writes Diana Clement.

More companies flee US to avoid taxes
The number of US companies reincorporating overseas has shot up considerably in recent decades.

Kiwi teens better than average when it comes to money
New Zealand teenagers are above average when it comes to financial literacy, a report by the OECD has found.

Tamsyn Parker: Do you have the right attitude towards money?
Saving to buy something takes commitment and often involves going without other things, which can be particularly hard for young people.

Inside Money: Bank planners under the cosh
The parent of ASB Bank, has been slammed in a report tabled in the Australian senate for the behaviour of its financial planning arm.

'Warrant of fitness' scheme for rentals winning wide support from politicians
A "warrant of fitness" scheme for all rental housing may be on the agenda whoever wins the election in September, a new survey has found.