West Auckland's new mall cinema plan
West Auckland is about to get a huge boost, after a big landlord this morning announced a $36 million expansion and upgrade of New Lynn's LynnMall shopping centre.
West Auckland is about to get a huge boost, after a big landlord this morning announced a $36 million expansion and upgrade of New Lynn's LynnMall shopping centre.
Two of New Zealand’s biggest commercial and industrial landlords have this morning reported half-year results down on last year.
A just-released study found Polish angels expected returns of 34 per cent on their investments - the highest of all.
A 157 per cent Auckland Council rates rise and a 140 per cent operating costs increase have been blamed for the axing of guaranteed rental returns on a city apartment block.
As we all build our own financial houses and get them in order, they need to be resilient when things happen.
Since the Financial Markets Conduct Act made crowdfunding investment possible, people can now buy shares in companies that should aim to eventually pay dividends.
Tech giants like Apple keep looking for overseas tax loopholes as their foreign cash has piled up to almost absurd levels.
NZ Super has taken direct control of the almost $260m in local equities formerly managed on its behalf by AMP Capital.
How to put together a NZ fixed interest portfolio by focusing on the investment strategies typically employed by large institutional investors.
One hundred years after the outbreak of World War I, Britain plans to repay some of the debt issued to help finance the conflict.
New Zealand supermarket chain Countdown is adding insurance services as it seeks to widen the offering to its 2.7 million weekly customers.
The US attempt to stop companies from leaving for tax reasons won't stop Pfizer, which is still considering a deal to move.
So what happens if you want to dump a single amount into your KiwiSaver account when you want to buy your first home? Helen Twose investigates.
Our son will be studying in Australia for the next few years and will need to borrow money from us for fees, living expenses and so on.
It's a war of data and the smart organisations are using data as their secret weapon," says Michael Whitehead, chief executive of data warehousing specialist WhereScape.
A courier driver who blamed a non-existent tax agent for mishandling his affairs has been ordered to pay $180,000 to Inland Revenue.
If the house always wins, then the taxman isn't far behind - at least not during the last year - when IRD won almost 85 per cent of the litigation it was involved in.
The sale of van Eyk Advice NZ should be concluded within days, according to the first report to creditors from the administrator of its Australian parent.
Alan Wallace is an accidental property investor, signing a deal to sell a 16ha East Tamaki site for more than $40m after paying $630,000 for the real estate 21 years ago.
Can I still contribute towards KiwiSaver and send money into my KiwiSaver account if I move overseas?
Does anyone not know someone who struggles with money and then turns around and pulls out the latest iPhone 6?
It's a dilemma Auckland financial adviser Hannah McQueen comes across all the time.