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Inside Money: Why the financial sales model should be in better shape
One of the FMA's key areas of interest next year will be the world of KiwiSaver.

Mary Holm: Sustainable fund not so sustainable
I am disappointed that my KiwiSaver provider, ASB, has decided to close down its FirstChoice KiwiSaver Scheme, and in particular the Global Sustainability Fund.

At the landlord's mercy, for life
A life-time of renting is becoming a reality for many New Zealanders, a survey shows, as the need for large deposits and big mortgages block their way to home ownership.

Inside Money: Super smart deal aims to activate NZ passive investors
The NZX-owned KiwiSaver scheme, Smartkiwi, will be closed early next year following the stock exchange's purchase of Superlife.

Biz Leader of the year: Chris Gudgeon
Property developers and investors have enjoyed an outstanding year but Kiwi Income Property Trust chief executive Chris Gudgeon could be the star of the bunch.

Wynyard complex gets ready for sale
Pre-sales of the first of 500 to 600 new Wynyard Quarter apartments start in February and the first show-home is being built.

PM says Chinese real estate investment minor
A surge in Chinese investment in New Zealand residential real estate is something the Government needs to consider, but at the moment is not a significant issue says John Key.

Oceania Healthcare IPO on track
Oceania Healthcare is on track for an initial public offering in early 2015, aged-care operator's chief executive, Earl Gasparich, says he's also in talks with private investors and funds.

Brent Sheather: Oh dear! Forecasting long term returns
A central component in the reform of the financial planning industry is education but this notion comes with problems.

Get Sorted: Consider yourself monetised
In the online world a new adage that applies - If you pay for something, it’s the product. But if it’s free, you are the product.

Consumer watch: Six ways to stay afloat
Get in touch with your lenderBanks will be more willing to help if they are warned trouble may be ahead, rather than getting a panicked phone call when the first repayment is missed.

Mary Holm: The case for and against landlords
As a society, how did we allow residential property to become just another investment asset class?

Diana Clement: Charitable groups revolutionise gift-giving
All I want for Christmas is an Ebola emergency kit. That's not because I think I'm at risk of catching the disease.

Auckland Council split over rates rises
Auckland Council is deeply divided on how to implement big rates rises next year, after Mayor Len Brown backed down on introducing rates rises of up to 40 per cent.

Inside Money: Aussie politicians crack-up over advice, laughable lessons for NZ
FOFA is a serious law, introduced by the previous Labor government after a series of scandals hit Australia's financial planning industry.

KiwiSaver: It pays to look at contract
A reader writes: If my employer includes its contribution as part of a total remuneration package, what happens to the contribution if one opts out of KiwiSaver?

Mary Holm: Rental road to riches can be rocky
My partner and I have our own home at the moment with a sizeable mortgage, and we're thinking of starting a property rental portfolio.

Diana Clement: 'Tis the season for cheer - within reason
Herald columnist Diana Clement looks at how to get the best out of the Christmas shopping spend.

Inside Money: EQC letter spells out funding, insurance model shake-up
The latest Briefing to the Incoming Minister from the Earthquake Commission is a revealing document.

Brent Sheather: Reviewing the Financial Advisors Act
Over the next two years the government and its agents will be reviewing the Financial Advisors Act 2008 (FAA).

Law firm ordered to pay more for Blue Chip losses
A Tauranga law firm will have to pay $150,000 more to retirees who lost money in Blue Chip, a Court of Appeal ruling has found.

Inside Money: Reserve Bank issues speed warning on money
Changes to the country's payment system have been profound and New Zealand moves closer to a cashless society, says the Reserve Bank.

Andrew Bruce: Long term landlords want long term tenants
As a long term landlord Andrew Bruce seeks long term tenancies because he takes a long term view of his investment properties.

Pimco pays former CIO Gross a $290m bonus
Pacific Investment Management Co. paid its former Chief Investment Officer Bill Gross a bonus of about $290 million in 2013.

Mary Holm: Ignore critics and have fun getting old
I want to see a change of attitude in the press towards ageing Kiwis. We are tagged the greedy generation.

Inside Money: Passive funds increase share of top 500 universe
No NZ-based funds make the Towers Watson 500 largest asset managers but Fisher Funds, with about US$4.5b under management is close.