Latest fromPersonal Finance

'We want to conquer the world with this'
Creators of a controversial loyalty card that offers to pay part of a drinker's bar tab off their student loan are planning to go global.

Record auctions pushing up house prices
Head-to-head bidders are paying tens of thousands of dollars more at auctions than they would for fixed price homes, new figures reveal.

Cashing up from Auckland's boom
Selling in city and buying a cheaper property either north or south could mean plenty of money to invest, Mary Holm writes.

Time to do away with those rose-tinted glasses
Making a dodgy investment decision is easy. Frame it with the wrong facts and figures and it's bound to look good, Diana Clement writes.

KiwiSaver choices made on the home front
Those that you live with have the strongest influence on your investment decisions, a Massey researcher has found.

Year's home detention for $260k scam
A Bay of Plenty man has been sentenced to almost a year of home detention after he used backpackers' and other tourists' IRD numbers to file false tax returns.

Craig Lamberton: Hot property and capital gains
Amidst the debate around the effects of a capital gains tax on the Auckland property market, TV show 'Our First Home' has proven useful.

Inside Money: Advice banks can bank on - Oz probe continues
I have heard many stories of Australian businesses built out of fees and commissions paid by clients the advisers have never seen.

Get Sorted: Follow the money
As you pump money into your KiwiSaver with each pay, where exactly does it flow to?

Mary Holm: KiwiSaver payment options limited
But diversification by spreading savings among different funds and providers allows investors to reduce risk.

This house makes $1000 a day...
A three-bedroom North Shore "do-up" has earned its owner nearly $1000 a day - just shy of the salary of a High Court judge - in Auckland's red-hot property market.

Ten ways to beat the tax man
Paying taxes is inevitable but there are ways to ensure you keep more of your money in your pocket this tax year. Tamsyn Parker talked to two tax experts to get their tips.

Inside Money: When good bonds go bad
Personal finance columnist David Chaplin on the court case between 12 global investors and the Portuguese 'Novo Banco'.

Care with tax ensures many happy returns
Kiwis no longer have to fill out a tax return every year but that doesn't mean you can sit back and do nothing.

Brent Sheather: Fees, fairness and the rise of the robots
Investing columnist Brent Sheather on low cost versus high cost, passive versus active models.

More $1m homes sold in March
For the first time in a single month, 10 per cent of all properties sold around the country went for more than $1 million.

Strong pipeline of Kiwi and Aussie IPOs tipped
Kiwi investors can expect a strong pipeline of initial public offerings from New Zealand and Australian companies listing in coming months to take advantage of the rising market, says Nikko Asset....

Inside Money: Vanilla with a hint of GFC - why fund managers taste of risk to the IMF
Fund managers - even the 'vanilla' vendors - could pose a risk to the global financial system, according to a new IMF report.

KiwiSaver: Investing to provide a retirement income
I have been retired for one year now and am thinking of using my KiwiSaver balanced fund to provide an income.

The case for teaching money lessons early
Many young people starting work or going to college are pretty clueless about handling money.

Get Sorted: Is this $521 yours?
Don’t forget to pick up your big five hundy this year in KiwiSaver.

Investor demand for Australia housing down
New mortgages to Australian landlords dropped the most in three years in February, signalling an easing in the speculator demand for housing that had concerned the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Credit card offers don't add up
Don't be sucked in by tempting rewards schemes when you're shopping for a credit card, says Consumer New Zealand.

Early errors can teach valuable financial lessons
Admitting you've made a mistake can be painful. Learning from that mistake can make someone. Money gurus share mishaps from their youth for you to learn from.

Exchange-rate bets a zero-sum game
Our dollar may be soaring but don’t be tempted to speculate on currency. There’s a loser for every winner, writes Mary Holm.

Inside Money: Parity pooper - why transtasman dollar equality is a downer
Personal finance columnist David Chaplin says parity with the Aussie dollar is no cause for celebration.