Rent hikes to cover rates increase
A tenants' watchdog has warned rent increases risk pricing people out of Auckland's heated housing market, sparking homelessness and social problems.
A tenants' watchdog has warned rent increases risk pricing people out of Auckland's heated housing market, sparking homelessness and social problems.
The floodgates are set to open for Chinese buyers to pour billions into NZ real estate as restrictions on privately held capital are eased: report.
NZ investors say they're felling good about our financial markets, according to new research from the Financial Markets Authority.
David Chaplin looks at the recent Milford Asset settlement - do we know enough about what happened?
We spend a lot more using credit cards than we would with cash. How much more? A number of studies show how and why people spend more on credit than with cash, but there's no consensus as to how much.
A contributions holiday can be taken once you've been a KiwiSaver member for at least 12 months.
Partying and fun veil pressure to give to ‘worthy’ cause and could be classed as illegal pyramid schemes in US, writes Mary Holm.
OPINION: Landlord Tim Duffett says it's time to change the whole way we rent homes in New Zealand.
A bankrupt business trainer whose companies are in liquidation has been revealed as a taxpayer-funded envoy hired to teach the secret of success.
When you're seeking expert advice on money matters, it can be hard to tell if an adviser is selling you something.
Anyone in KiwiSaver for three years can now take out everything in their account, except the final $1000, to buy a first home, Helen Twose writes.
Craigs Investment Partners' Mark Lister has boiled down his top financial advice to three key tips he'll give his kids.
The results are varied and the FMA regulates and monitors only licensed crowdfunding service providers, explains Mary Holm.
Assistant professor of finance Noah Smith on behavioural economics and how finance has accepted new ideas.
David Chaplin on research house Morningstar's C+ rating of the NZ fund industry.
New Zealand is the third-luckiest country in the world, as measured by its ability to take on more public debt, writes David Chaplin.
The IRD has selected a US company as the preferred software supplier for its $1 billion-plus business transformation which will replace its ageing information technology system.
Goodman Property Trust, the country's second-biggest listed property investor, has ratcheted up development plans with four new industrial projects in Auckland worth $45.8 million.
If you’re looking to get ahead, here’s where your dollars make the most sense.
Q: I'm a single guy looking to use KiwiSaver to buy my first home. I've been a member for 7 years. Is it correct the Govt will give me an additional $10k for my first home?
In investing, luck plays a huge role in determining results, especially in the short term, says Carmel Fisher.
With annual price growth at 13.9 per cent, it is no surprise Auckland is increasingly dominant in lifting the country's overall growth rate, writes Geoff Barnett.
John Russell has lost another IRD stoush, this time about a company which has been in receivership for 20 years.
The only topic that seems to be competing with Auckland house prices at present seems to be the declining Fonterra payout, and what it means for the economy as a whole.
Now that KiwiSaver is less attractive, where should parents save money for kids?
Personal finance columnist David Chaplin on the FMA taking a closer look at the NZ insurance industry.
Potential investors in the Government's first social impact bond say they are open to the concept but are awaiting details, including how returns are structured.