KiwiSaver provider moves into insurance
KiwiSaver provider Mercer is set to expand into the insurance market for the first time.
KiwiSaver provider Mercer is set to expand into the insurance market for the first time.
Land bankers have become increasingly active around Auckland's fringe - many waiting to cash in on areas earmarked for future development.
A reader asks Helen Twose: Is buying a first home off a plan and putting a 10% deposit on it considered an estate in land under the KiwiSaver rules?
How does an Auckland solicitor come to sit on trusts linked to an exiled Russian tycoon and former billionaire?
Research finds most teens are confident with money but crave more financial knowledge.
Ever wanted to learn about the basics of share market investing?
Hollywood celebs are proving themselves to be canny tech invetors - here are the top five.
How a former teacher set out to understand why she couldn't get to grips with her spending and ended up retraining as a money coach.
A tradesman has been sentenced to 10 months home detention and ordered to pay $92,400 reparation for tax evasion offences.
So, what should you aim for? Here are a few goals.
KiwiSaver providers urge savers not to panic after a week of turmoil in world sharemarkets.
Treasury evidence used to cut back on KiwiSaver benefits has been challenged by the finance industry.
Foreign firms play an important role but we need good rules in place, writes Brian Gaynor.
This is the final post for specialist finance blog Inside Money, writes David Chaplin.
A pharmacist probed by IRD for "possible tax evasion" has lost a bid to keep his identity secret.
Barry Soper: Buying over the Internet, or online, is a no brainer. It comes down to two things, choice and cost.
Councils and Government have a poor record when it comes to selling shares, says Brent Sheather.
The government has announced plans to start collecting tax on online services including music, movies and e-books.
One Christmas, when I was still a boy, we tagged along with my mother to her shift at the nursing home. As I recall, only three people died that day.
A new study says the glitz and glamour some credit card reward schemes promise is often unrealistic.
Q: My wife and I are on a medical benefit and applied for a hardship withdrawal from my KiwiSaver. I have to wait another 13 weeks before applying again.
Tying up money in a property investment could be more hassle than it's worth for a recently retired couple still young enough to splash out on themselves.
Using drier lint instead of cotton swabs, home dentistry and free range guinea pigs. When does extreme budgeting go too far?