Kiwisaver returns, withdrawals soar
KiwiSaver investment returns and withdrawals reached all-time highs in the past year.
KiwiSaver investment returns and withdrawals reached all-time highs in the past year.
OECD will tomorrow release final recommendations on the biggest change to international tax rules since WWII.
I know someone who has this burning goal to have perfect teeth in old age. It's a bit unique.
More than a million people failed to take advantage of KiwiSaver subsidies in the last financial year, leaving $300 million-plus on the table.
The move this year to drop KiwiSaver schemes from its list of qualifying overseas pension schemes comes with a tax hit for the unwary.
Parents hoping to see their little darlings leave the nest in their early 20s should think again.
Veritas Investments, the food and beverage investor, plans to appeal an arbitrator's ruling in favour of Burger King franchise operator Antares Restaurant Group quitting their joint venture.
High Court has rejected the only proposal that stood between 80-year-old accountant and bankruptcy
You may already have one savings scheme, but two can be even better.
Inland Revenue cites international tax agreement as it refuses to hand over documents, judge is not persuaded that's a good reason to enforce secrecy.
Kiwi research has backed up what many have known - more money doesn't always make you happy.
Twelve members of the Smartshares KiwiSaver scheme have been told they could face a hefty tax bill if they move schemes.
More than 50 per cent of New Zealanders prefer takeaways to home cooking because high price of groceries.
Children watch us make it all happen with our cards. So how do we pass on the money lessons?
Peer-to-peer lender Harmoney is set to make a bigger push to get mum-and-dad investors on board as it faces competition from two new entrants.
Organising your money properly can pay off with savings and extra cash.
Trying to predict where the market is going is a more dangerous strategy than digging in and staying put.
Treasury is concerned about high KiwiSaver fees and the domination of funds run by the big banks.
Barfoot & Thompson says high number of applications is unusual for this time of the year.
Having three times your annual salary in your retirement savings pot by the age of 45 is one of the milestones recommended by financial advisers.
The average debt arrears owed by the 45,000 people who sought help from the Federation of Family Budgeting Services has dropped to the lowest since June 2001.
A former Dunedin lawyer who did not turn up for her trial has been found guilty on all 46 charges of tax evasion involving more than $180,000.
What would have made a big difference if you could have put it into practice earlier? Share your comments with us.
Foreign investment is not a black and white issue. Too often the populist reaction to the issue is knee-jerk and xenophobic.
High-profile business organisations are calling for investor migrants to be required to channel more cash into productive, growth-focused New Zealand investments.
New Zealanders are being taxed on their own capital because of unfair rules covering shares in demerged companies, but the Government argues the Inland Revenue Department does not have the resources....