Should you swap cc for peer-to-peer loan?
Peer-to-peer lending is relatively new but there are now companies licensed to operate online platforms, matching up borrowers with lenders.
Peer-to-peer lending is relatively new but there are now companies licensed to operate online platforms, matching up borrowers with lenders.
Auckland's housing "bubble" is worsening inequality, says Salvation Army.
What do you ask the genie when planning to cash out in 20 years?
Ngarango Otainui lies in Auckland's Manukau Harbour and is only 5km from the airport.
Younger KiwiSavers can join a scheme at any time, but will need parents' permission.
Thirty three properties across Auckland are tied up in a $34m asset freeze - New Zealand's biggest such case.
Travel can be surprisingly cheap but don't skimp on medical cover, writes Diana Clement.
People celebrating the Chinese New Year this week may have received tiny red envelopes with cash to bring in the new lunar year with good fortune.
Auckland property values fell last month, but the market's still surging in many parts of New Zealand.
Property market posts first monthly fall in more than a year, while homeowners refinance. Auckland values dipped, while Wellington saw strong gains.
Producer who has worked with Lorde and Katy Perry is selling a former air force bungalow just seven months after buying it for record $1.6 million.
Auckland property values fell last month, says QV, as new rules dented investor demand.
Even the world's smartest person will need fuel to keep making good money decisions
Q: If new staff members do not wish to join KiwiSaver, do I simply pay their PAYE on the IRD form or must I fill in forms advising they don't want to join?
Default investments and focus on low fees are reducing returns, writes Brian Gaynor.
What makes some people steal from strangers and others give?
When Sally Liu returned to China for a visit and her aunt asked how much she earned as a university lecturer, it took her a moment to answer.
A five-year investigation into the sale of Motukawaiti Island has failed to turn up enough evidence for the OIO to launch a prosecution.
An Auckland property specialist with links to Chinese investment community predicts a huge inflow of capital into Auckland's property market this year.
Making a movie about collateralised debt obligations and credit default swaps that is both compelling and accurate is quite some achievement.
Crackdown on cash jobs is welcome, but IRD should not forget corporate big fish.
Astute KiwiSaver decisions will deliver far more rewards over the longer term than any switch from one electricity retailer to another.
Brent Sheather talks over simplification.
New Zealanders often appear unable or even unwilling to repay their debts, especially those owed to the state or city hall.
The owners of million-dollar homes in Auckland are likely to be part of the global 1 per cent.
Roger MacDonald, the new chief executive of Auckland Council's Panuku Development Auckland, gives his take on the year ahead.