IRD to get new power to share tax secrets
New tax rules might be more convenient for small business, but IRD is getting new powers to share tax details with others.
New tax rules might be more convenient for small business, but IRD is getting new powers to share tax details with others.
Prime Minister John Key has made an embarrassing disclosure of a link to a company specialising in foreign trusts.
A Kiwi family with two children on a single income pays the least amount of income tax in the OECD.
Investors are back in a heated Auckland property market and rapidly rising house prices are fuelling the fire.
It would be useful to hear the conclusions of someone from outside, not least because the Panama Papers call into question New Zealand's good faith as an international citizen.
COMMENT: Companies with operations in multiple jurisdictions will seek to maximise their opportunities to reduce their tax bill.
COMMENT: John Key has now ordered a tax expert to look into the trusts here, presumably to reassure us that there's not one rule for the rich and another for PAYE plodders, writes Barry Soper.
New Zealand-based investors are selling out of Diligent Corp before the company is acquired by venture capital firm Insight Venture Partners.
COMMENT: What to do about the problem of uninsured Kiwis? Many are woefully exposed when it comes to their life and health cover.
The resignation of Iceland's PM adds to a series of unfortunate events, seeing Iceland fall both in and out of favour.
David Baty, the director of Prestige Events, still hasn't handed over ute prize to contest winners.
New research show vastly different money habits and attitudes between home owners and those who don't own property.
COMMENT: The fact that so many of the people wrapped up in the Panama Papers are in government shows there's no political will to change the situation, writes Raybon Kan.
The law change will mean paying more to watch content on Netflix.
Americans don't need to go to Panama - they have a thriving offshore industry at home.
A businessman with close links to the Mexican President set up a series of shell companies in New Zealand.
Inland Revenue is trying to get information on New Zealanders who have dealt with Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.
A New Zealander has been named as a director for thousands of shell companies revealed in the Panama Papers as being used to avoid tax by wealthy clients.
COMMENT: The fact that New Zealand's trust regime is caught up in the midst of it all will be a surprise to many Kiwis.
COMMENT: Two weeks ago we considered the low interest rate environment, concluded that it was here to stay, writes Brent Sheather.
The Panama Papers leak has revealed how the rich and powerful have hidden their billions.
COMMENT: John Key on trusts sounds a bit like a cracked record.
To make trusts more transparent and accountable ought not compromise the ease and speed of company registrations in this country.
The naming of NZ as a tax haven which allows foreign investors to hide their income in secretive trusts will not force the Government to change any tax rules, John Key says.