$52.5m sent offshore, just $59k tax paid
The New Zealand branch of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer sent tens of millions offshore while paying virtually no tax.
The New Zealand branch of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer sent tens of millions offshore while paying virtually no tax.
We all know that indexing is cheaper than active management, in which a fund manager selects specific assets for investment, Barry Ritholtz writes.
For all the promises exchanged at the altar, parties rarely commit to telling new spouses what's going on in their bank accounts.
So much of what we say about money shows how we think about it, and of course how we think about it influences how we act with it.
COMMENT: Now that the Prime Minister has let the land tax genie out of the bottle we should all have a good close look to see which version suits us best.
The rules changed for moving superannuation savings between Australia and New Zealand nearly three years ago.
COMMENT: It's too easy to get judgmental about how others spend their money - although I suppose it's fair enough if they complain about their inability to save.
PM John Key this week proposed a new tax on offshore purchases. Could the Government be doing more?
Despite high take-up - around 2.61 million people are in KiwiSaver - about 40pc do not contribute to it on a regular basis.
We need data on the activity and influence of foreign property investors before committing to the risks and costs associated with a selective land tax, says Bob Buckle.
Interest rates are low at the bank - so more Kiwis plan to leave their money in KiwiSaver when they turn 65.
New Zealand women prefer their saving accounts, while men hit the credit card harder.
COMMENT: The Panama Papers have renewed calls over the last few years to make all tax returns public. This is already so in Sweden and Norway.
A young couple who were told they would qualify for an $8000 govt grant to help buy first home are in shock after finding out they can only get half that.
New Zealand KiwiSaver providers will happily take funds transferred from Australian super accounts but it's a different story with Australian providers.
COMMENT: Have you heard the one about the child who smashed her iPhone to get the latest model? This happened in my circle of friends and is problematic for many reasons.
27 properties - some worth nearly $3m owned by those linked to the Masala restaurant chain will stay frozen.
COMMENT: The law of unintended consequences postulates that the actions of people and especially of governments.
What are some smart ways to put a looming tax refund to work?
Landlords who are forced to sell sometimes find they've gained little or nothing after years of hassle. Sometimes they even end up with a debt to the bank after selling the property.
COMMENT: The signs of wealth are easy to see in Panama - but how did it get that way, and is there a New Zealand connection?
Some of this country's biggest revenue generators are foreign-owned companies you may never have heard of.
Trade Minister Todd McClay says the Government is assessing the implications of recent regulatory changes in China's cross border e-commerce market.
Government announcements on pay-as-you-go rules and greater IRD disclosure powers welcomed by experts.
John Shewan, the Government appointed expert in charge of reviewing our tax regime, advised the Bahamas on exempting taxes.