The Mercedes-Benz C-Class Cabriolet and the Mazda CX-5 both achieved a five-star safety rating in the latest round of the Australasia New Car Assessment Programme (Ancap).
The New Zealand Automobile Association (AA) said the growing market of five-star rated cars gives safety conscious buyers plenty of options to choose from.
AA Motoring Services general manger Stella Stocks said while there was a huge range of choice, the challenge for consumers was finding the information. The AA is calling for vehicle safety information to be provided at point of sale.
"Manufacturers have lifted the safety game when it comes to vehicle safety and should be proud to display their ratings at dealerships across the country," she said.
ANCAP's ratings come from the analysis of crash tests and other assessments. Vehicles are given a rating between one and five stars for their performance. It is supported by the AA, NZTA, the Australia Government and the New Zealand Government.