Anyone who has their mum on Facebook is acutely aware of the potential embarrassment that could manifest from your online friendship.
She has the power to upload dreaded images from your past that you didn't even know existed, accidentally post private messages on your wall for everyone to see or even mistake Facebook for Google, revealing things that neither you or anyone else should have to know about your mother.
Lorna Thomas has taken the social media slip-up to a whole new and hilarious level, after mistakenly leaving a Facebook message for the police asking how to log off, all while on her son's account.
All the English mum wanted to do was figure out how to log off her son Daniel's Facebook account and sign in to her own but, through a series of clicks and a lot of confusion, she ended up on the Avon and Somerset Police Facebook page.
So instead of sending her son a private message asking him how to get back on her account, she accidentally posted her query to the police, writing: "Hello Daniel. This is your mother. How do I get back on to my own Facebook page?"