Michael Hill International, the jewellery chain that bears the name of its founder, posted first-half earnings that met its guidance of last month after lifting sales while investing in a trial of bridal products at its North American outlets.
Earnings before interest and tax was A$29.7 million in the six months ended Dec. 31, from A$28.6 million a year earlier, the Brisbane-based company said in a statement. Sales rose 9.8 per cent to A$270.8 million.
Net profit dropped about 26 per cent to $16.2 million, mainly reflecting a more-than doubling in the company's tax expense to $12.2 million. The company has made a provision related to its negotiations with the Australian Tax Office over the restructuring of intellectual property between its New Zealand and Australian units in 2008.
Revenue in Australia, the company's biggest market with 166 stores, rose 5.5 per cent to A$172 million and the operating surplus increased 3.6 per cent to A$29 million. Same store sales rose 1.4 per cent.
Michael Hill recorded a net operating cash outflow of A$2.3 million in the first half, from an inflow of A$22 million a year earlier, mainly reflecting "significant additional inventory" built up as part of the trial of a new bridal range in US stores and some Canadian stores, it said.