Still a future for West Coast mining, says Pike chair
Pike River Coal says all its staff are being kept on full pay, with some being reassigned to jobs including helping out at the mine site
Pike River Coal says all its staff are being kept on full pay, with some being reassigned to jobs including helping out at the mine site
Dairy prices have slipped at Fonterra's overnight online auction, with the globalDairyTrade index down 2.5 per cent.
Monitoring gear developed in New Zealand is being used to help doctors assess the vital signs of the miners trapped in the Chilean mine.
A local biotech firm is set to use its patented microbe technology in China.
A US law means supplies of the gas - a vital component in MRI scans - are vanishing fast.
Despite environmental concerns persisting, local MPs are hopeful mining in Northland and on the West Coast will boost jobs.
The Govt this morning withdrew its proposal to open up more than 7000ha of conservation land to prospecting and mining.
The search for a plane carrying one of Australia's richest men and the entire board of one of the country's mining companies resumed last night.