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Miners' recovery not in new plan
A proposed Pike River mine stabilisation plan doesn't allow for the recovery of the miners and won’t guarantee the future of the mine.

PM 'passing the buck' on Pike River
Labour leader Phil Goff has accused John Key of "passing the buck" on whether to permanently seal the Pike River coal mine. Receivers have been given until 5pm today to come up with a plan for stabilising the mine.

Closing mine could see inquiry evidence lost , lawyer says
Sealing the Pike River mine could see vital evidence lost, the lawyer for the families of those killed says.

PM: Mine sealing 'not about money'
The Pike River mine will be sealed and there is little or no chance of the bodies of 29 men killed being recovered in the near future, says Prime Minister John Key. He said it was "not an issue of money or time or commitment."

Closing mine 'worst case scenario'
Closing the Pike River coal mine and handing the land back to the government is the worst-case scenario, according to the company's receiver.

Police give up trying to bring out Pike bodies
The Pike River Mine will be handed back to the company's receivers, Police Commissioner Howard Broad announced yesterday.

Pike police: Mine not receivers' yet
The Pike River mine will not be handed over to receivers while the operation to recover the bodies of the 29 workers continues, police say.

Christmas at Pike River for families
Families of the 29 miners who died at Pike River Coal mine have been given a chance to spend Christmas near the bodies of their loved ones after police offered to take them to the mine on December 25.

Nitrogen machine arrives at Pike River
A 20-tonne nitrogen generator has arrived to aid the operation to recover 29 bodies from Pike River Coal mine.

Pike River receivers may not be able to claim full insurance
As a new machine arrives to help recovery efforts at Pike River, receivers say they may not be able to claim a full $100m insurance payout to reimburse creditors of Pike River Coal.

Govt looks at fast tracking mining to help workers
The Govt is considering fast tracking the expansion of coal mining operations on the West Coast.

Govt looking at West Coast stimulus plan
The Government has agreed to work on an economic stimulus package for the West Coast.

<i>Jesse Dykstra</i>: Reflections on coal mining
In the wake of the Pike River tragedy, PhD student Jesse Dykstra blogs on the mining industry and the associated risks

Pike River board meets to discuss future
Pike River Coal's board is to meet tomorrow to talk about options for the company's future.