Market hungry for Council's stakes
Auckland Council's shares in the city's international airport and port facilities would be eagerly snapped up, say market players.
Auckland Council's shares in the city's international airport and port facilities would be eagerly snapped up, say market players.
The sale of Auckland Council shares in Auckland Airport and Ports of Auckland looks set to be debated by councillors tomorrow.
A collapse in iron ore and coal prices has exposed Australia's true vulnerability.
UPDATED: A2 milk is forecasting earning to triple in 2016 with sales expected to rise faster than forecast.
Iran, once OPEC's second-biggest producer, will boost its oil exports by 500,000 barrels a day immediately after sanctions are lifted
New Zealand shares rose, buoyed by the prospect of lower interest rates making returns on equities more attractive.
With half of 2015 done and dusted, it's probably a good time to take stock of the sharemarket's winners and losers in the year to date.
The case is playing out in the Court of Appeal with the Crown arguing for the release of cloned devices and passwords.
The company filed a new constitution which added specific provisions for listing on the NZX.
Up to 60 mining jobs have been promised with the start up of two new goldmining operations near Hokitika and Kumara.
Shares in Beingmate - the Chinese company which is 18.8pc owned by Fonterra - have halved in value over the past three weeks.
It's a tricky enough situation already, buried under financial jargon with regular breaking developments. And now it's even more confusing.
Capital controls are on the way, with all the disruptions to everyday economic activity that they entail - and Greek banks will stay closed for a week.
MP says cost to Kiwis unacceptable as Fonterra, supermarkets point finger at one another.
Surviving the global financial crisis opened up buying opportunities for Pie Funds founder Mike Taylor.
One fact is often overlooked amid all the hype about business opportunities in China.
New Zealand shares fell as traders weighed whether a regulatory threat was returning to the energy sector. Mighty River Power, Genesis Energy, Meridian Energy and Contact Energy declined.
The full impact of the New Zealand dollar's decline over the past few weeks will take time to work its way into the economy.
A2 Milk Co, the dual-listed milk marketing company, has received an expression of interest from two associated trade parties keen on taking over the company.
Gregory Arnott pleaded guilty to five charges of theft by a person in a special relationship and another five charges of false statement by a promoter.
Newly announced Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's claimed net worth lacks validation.
Navinder Singh Sarao is accused of helping to wipe more than $1 trillion off financial markets five years ago.
Sometimes it's hard to tell whether Bitcoin is more like Ponzi scheme or a pyramid scheme.
Shares in gourmet burger company BurgerFuel jumped more than 10 per cent after the company reported strong full-year growth and said its global strategy was on track.
GeoOp, the workforce management app, widened its annual loss as it invests in product development and adding new customers.
Shares in gourmet burger company BurgerFuel are up more than 10pc after it reported a big jump in profits.
Highly-paid head office managers are expected to be in Fonterra's sights as it slashes hundreds of administrative jobs to cope with falling global milk prices.