Moa loss widens following restructuring
Moa Group posted a wider first-half loss after the unprofitable boutique beer maker restructured its fledgling business.
Moa Group posted a wider first-half loss after the unprofitable boutique beer maker restructured its fledgling business.
NZ shares fell yesterday, led by Mighty River Power, Meridian Energy and Contact Energy as investors cashed in profits on recent gains in power company stocks.
The British outsourcing giant that operates Auckland's Mt Eden prison is facing major financial strife, with its boss warning jobs will be slashed.
Listed landlord DNZ Property Fund made $25.9 million net after-tax profit in the September half-year, up 41 per cent on last year. The
The FMA will not be taking any action against Gentrack but said the Auckland-based firm could have been clearer in its initial public offer IPO prospectus.
What we can learn from our experienced counterparts in the US about futures and options trading.
ERoad, the logistics and fleet management company, got a 'please explain' by NZX regulation after its stock gained 16pc in six days
New Zealand shares rose yesterday, pushing the NZX 50 Index to its ninth straight record close, as New Zealand Oil & Gas signalled plans for a capital return given cash flow from production at its Tui oil field.
With more than 50 years' trading under his belt, US trading legend Larry Pesavento has learned a few things about the markets.
Software developer Orion Health's initial public offer prospectus, which was registered on Tuesday, contains a lot of impressive numbers.
Current dairy commodity prices are now well below "fair" expectations of price among global dairy producers, says Fonterra's chief executive Theo Spierings.
The moral of Aesop’s North Wind and the Sun fable is informing a wave of shareholder activism in Japan, with the government's blessing.
Kiwi company BurgerFuel has pulled out of Iraq as a result of the increasing threat of the Islamic State jihadist group in that country.
BurgerFuel Worldwide, the NZAX-listed fast food chain franchisor, is opening five new Australian stores and expects to announce the timing of its US expansion soon.
Whether it is John Key pulling the strings or not, there are smart minds at work in the NZ currency market, writes Nick Mcdonald.
Shareholders in the failed Feltex Carpets have appealed the High Court decision which found the directors were not liable for alleged disclosure failings.
Strong growth in the New Zealand dollar and increasing property values have translated to a boom in personal wealth for Kiwis, according to a new global wealth report.
What happens when two traders who love to fish spend 24 hours in close quarters with a skipper whose life is dedicated to fishing?
If you're planning a trip overseas in the next year, consider buying your foreign currency now.