Lacy did not return the Herald's call.
Talos went into liquidation last year.
A liquidator's report lodged in August estimated the company owed one secured and 17 unsecured creditors a total of A$5.2m ($5.36m).
That report comes a year after insolvency firm BRI Ferrier was appointed. Principal Andrew Cummins indicated in his report that no money was available for distribution to creditors and that a supplementary report may be made.
Cummins last year said there had been "allegations of impropriety" but would not elaborate. He did not return the Herald's call this week.
Questioned in the Australian senate about Talos last October, Australian Securities and Investments Commission senior executive leader Warren Day said the commission was aware of allegations and invited the public to provide further information.
A spokesman for Australia's Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions said "they are unable to comment directly on this matter".
Last March, the High Court in Auckland heard accusations Bryers was running Talos Accounting Group, contrary to New Zealand law, but Associate High Court judge Jeremy Doogue said the individual instances put before the court did not disclose activity at director level but showed he was "plainly not just a consultant to the company but was discharging management decisions within it".
The claims were made during Bryers' application to be released from his five-and-a-half year bankruptcy. The Bryers documents the court didn't see
Judge Doogue said that Bryers used the alias Mark Ryan "to deceive people dealing with him in his role at Talos as to [his business history]", and that "Talos and Bryers adopted measures which were designed to portray Bryers as having a less than direct activity in the affairs of Talos than he actually did".
The judge discharged Bryers from his bankruptcy but banned him from acting as a manager or director for another seven years because of the risk he posed.
Bryers was declared bankrupt in 2009 with estimated personal debts of $235 million, believed at the time to be New Zealand's largest bankruptcy. He set up failed property investment company Blue Chip, which cost about 3000 investors more than $80 million.
After Talos went into liquidation last August, Bryers told the Herald that he had been no more than a consultant and that those duties ended a year before the company folded.
Talos was trading "extremely well", he claimed, and he would be "intrigued" to learn the reasons why it failed.
Bryers, who has lived in Australia since 2006, said: "[he was] sick of being a scapegoat for other people's problems."