We are now nearly a year on from when the Reserve Bank signalled Loan to Value (LVR) limits and interest rate rises to cool down the property market. The changes we have witnessed since are not necessarily what has been widely reported.
One of these recurring stories is that sales of properties worth less than $400k have declined and that this is a sign that the LVR speed limits are shutting out first home buyers.
I addressed the issue of sub $400k sales in this column three months ago; but let's revisit it. Yes, the number of sales of these properties has declined over the past year, both nationwide and particularly in Auckland. However, during this time property values have been rising, rapidly in Auckland, and so the number of properties worth $400k or less has decreased also. We measure this every month by estimating the current market value of every property in the country using our automated valuation model - E Valuer. From this we can see that the number of properties worth $400k or less has dropped in line with the number of sales. In other words the turnover of these properties has hardly changed.
A better way to look at how the lower end of the market has been affected is to put houses into relative value bands and track activity in these over time. We have allocated properties into three groups based on value - the lower 30 per cent (the lower end), the middle 40 per cent and the top 30 per cent. During the previous 2003 to 2007 boom, nationwide sales of properties at the lower end, at that time worth around $240k and less, contributed 30 to 32 per cent of all sales. After the GFC this dropped to 25 per cent but since 2012 has been recovering and is now 28 per cent and rising. This low end group is now worth $255k and less.
The trend is much stronger in Auckland where the lower end contributed 25 per cent of sales in 2010 and was worth $410k or less, in comparison to now where they contribute 33 per cent of sales and are worth $570k and less.