Australian authorities said on Sunday they were checking whether rockmelons had been exported from a farm where fruit contaminated with listeria has been found to have killed three elderly people and caused illness in at least 12 others.
New South Wales Food Authority said that the company whose rockmelons, also called cantaloupes, had been contaminated with listeria, is an exporter of produce. The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources told Reuters via email that it was investigating whether any rockmelons, also called canteloupes, had been exported.
"Australia will be issuing notifications in line with international obligations when affected countries are identified," the department said in the email.
It declined to name possible export destinations, or if any had been recalled, while the investigation was underway.
Australian rockmelons with an export value of about $20 million per year go to New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and Brunei, the Australian Melon Industry says in a report on its website.