A Japanese company is on the cusp of solving that age-old problem of never having enough hands to carry the shopping and unlock the car door because you are holding an umbrella to keep the rain off - a hybrid drone-umbrella that uses artificial intelligence to hover just above a user's head.
Asahi Power Service is presently putting a series of drone-powered parasols through their paces at its research facility in Tochigi Prefecture, north of Tokyo, but also intends to produce waterproof umbrellas when the technology has been perfected.
The company's Free Parasol takes its name from its hands-free operations and has a canopy that opens out to a width of 150cm. Beneath the canopy is the "brains" of the brolly, an AI device that can be programmed to lock onto and then follow the user's head, providing permanent shade on the sunniest of days or keeping the rain off.
As an added bonus, they point out, the downwash from the device's four propellers delivers a cooling breeze on the hottest days.