"Eat My Lunch is a social enterprise - we're a business which is about doing good and social impact," says Iaan Buchanan, co-founder with Lisa King, of Eat My Lunch.
Eat My Lunch is a concept that has blurred the lines between traditional charities and the standard for profit business model. Working with thousands of volunteers, as well as business partner and world class entrepreneur Derek Handley, and celebrity chef Michael Meredith, they provide free lunches to 35 decile one and two schools across Auckland and Hamilton and are about to open in Wellington.
"There's a lot of talk around 'why is there poverty in New Zealand?' so one of the things which really inspired and motivated us to launch Eat My Lunch, is that we're sick of all the talking. We just wanted to do something which was going to make a positive impact and do some good. I think a child who's got a full tummy is going to learn better.
They're going to be educated better and, ultimately, I think education's at the heart of people escaping the poverty cycle in New Zealand. So, I think, Eat My Lunch plays a part in that," says Lisa.