Buying pre-packaged school lunch box snacks like cheese and crackers, yoghurt and sultanas instead of doing it yourself can end up costing more than A$1000 ($1102) over the year, according to
The comparison website has crunched the numbers to find price differences between individually portioned snacks at the major supermarkets and DIY home-packed versions can be up to 278 per cent more expensive.
"Parents might be surprised by the true cost of convenience, with prepackaged cheese and crackers costing more than two dollars per snack compared to putting sliced cheese and crackers into a ziplock bag," Mozo director Kirsty Lamont said in a statement.
Mozo's analysis, which compared unit pricing of a single pre-packaged item with the same volume of a larger-sized package, found savings per portion of A$2.21 for cheese and crackers, A$1.04 for yoghurt and 71 cents for canned fruit.