(My first sales job was selling carpet cleaning services by knocking on doors at age 18 and I'm pleased to say I've learned a lot of helpful sales and marketing ideas since then.)
- I've now written over 300 weekly marketing columns for The New Zealand Herald and I'm delighted that so many readers have taken the time over the years to give me positive feedback on these columns.
(That's well worth celebrating.)
- I met with my heart specialist this week as it's been three months since my heart operation. He gave me a clean bill of health which is something for me to celebrate.
In your own business I recommend you take a few minutes each day to celebrate any wins you have. (Both big wins and small wins.)
For instance:
- If you have a customer gives you positive feedback on your business that's something to celebrate.
- When you get a referral from one happy client to someone they know that's worth celebrating as well.
- When you do an excellent sales presentation (even if you don't make a sale) that's worth celebrating as well.
- When you try a new marketing strategy that's worth celebrating as well.
- However long you have been in business that's definitely worth celebrating.
In fact when you start thinking about it there a huge number of things to celebrate and give thanks for in our lives.
Here's a good example:
I read recently that on June the 29th in 2007 the iPhone was released in the USA for the very first time. (Nice to see this happened on my birthday!)
Look at how far Smart Phones have come in the last 10 years since that very first iPhone. That's definitely worth celebrating.
My marketing recommendation this week is very simple.
Make a list of 10-20 things in your own life that are worth celebrating. (Add to that list every day and spend a few minutes thinking about the items on your list.)
The more we focus on celebrating and giving thanks for all the good things and wins we have in our lives the better we will tend to feel.
So as you celebrate the Emirates Team New Zealand win in The Americas Cup, take some time to celebrate and be grateful for your own wins as well.
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey
Action Exercise:
Write down 10-20 things in your own life that you can celebrate and give thanks for. Spend a couple of minutes adding to your list each day and take time to think about what you have written.
Notice you good you feel when you review and celebrate your wins both big and small.
Graham McGregor is a Marketing Strategist and helps business coaches
attract perfect coaching clients from around the world. You can download
his marketing guide ‘You Deserve Perfect Coaching Clients’ at no charge
from www.perfectcoachingclients.com