Google said today that Sundar Pichai, its chief executive, has agreed to testify to Congress this year following Republican lawmakers' continued criticism that major tech platforms and social media sites are censoring conservatives online.
Pichai agreed to participate in the unscheduled hearing in response to a request from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, who like other Republicans, including President Donald Trump, has blasted Google on grounds that it silences right-leaning news, views and users - and has failed to answer lawmakers' questions in person.
Ahead of the hearing, Pichai also plans to visit the nation's capital this Saturday to meet with Democratic and Republican members of Congress, including a session with McCarthy and two dozen GOP colleagues, a spokesman for the GOP leader confirmed Monday.
The visit comes weeks after Pichai and Larry Page, the chief executive of Google's parent company, Alphabet, each declined to appear at a hearing focused on the 2018 election, sparking bipartisan outrage.
"I look forward to meeting with members on both sides of the aisle, answering a wide range of questions, and explaining our approach," Pichai said in a statement Monday.