Whether your manager is a front-line supervisor or the CEO, every leader occasionally has unrealistic expectations. But some bosses are unrealistic most of the time. They don't take into account the facts on the ground, or they habitually refer to their past experiences at other companies rather than to the
Four tips for working with a boss with unrealistic expectations
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2. Agree in principle; then share realistic details
It may not always feel like it, but you and your boss theoretically have a joint mission and some common goals, and showing that you're on the same page may give you the leeway to explain some of the practical realities. One senior leader I worked with had no interest in learning about or taking into account practical details of implementation; instead, he ignored any impediments and made somewhat grandiose statements about what his team would accomplish, assuming that valuable initiatives were easy to execute. His team would struggle to make good on his commitments, and would be blamed by customers and other organizational groups for incomplete or unsuccessful execution.
I coached his team members to describe the steps they could take to get results that would be a win for him, and to open discussion with lead-ins like, "Let me share with you a way I think we could do this with the least disruption" so that they were steering toward workable solutions rather than presenting him with problems he didn't want to hear. Another approach we took was to acknowledge his requests without labeling them as unrealistic. This sounded something like this, "I understand you want X. I've already tried to do Y and I have these concerns about Z. Can we talk about what the next steps could be?" Although the leader still comes up with grand plans, over time, he has learned to tolerate hearing more details about what's workable and what's problematic, and often works with team members to come up with solutions that are more implementable.
3. Send up some trial balloons to get rapid, usable feedback
It's unlikely that your boss plans to be unrealistic or unfair. It's much more likely that they have a rationale that they haven't conveyed clearly, or may not even recognize themselves. Rather than just thinking "This is ridiculous!" keep checking to be sure you understand and are delivering on what your boss actually wants.
After I reminded a frustrated CFO to think about the risk-averse CEO's underlying motivations and not just her demands, the CFO was able to develop multiple scenarios and spreadsheets that helped the CEO chose a plan of action she felt was simultaneously bold and safe. We planned out language like, "Take a look at these scenarios, and let me know which aspects match your sense of things, and then I can build them out," and "I know you're concerned about the risk of too much investment too quickly. Did I capture the scenarios and factors you're looking for?" An iterative set of interactions like this can feel time-consuming, but it keeps you from straying far off-base and fosters a sense of partnership that will help you develop trust for the future.
4. Gauge whether you're gaining traction with your boss or not
Assess your boss's style and approach to determine if you'll get a better response by behaving proactively or reactively. An agency owner I worked with liked to indulge in flights of fancy, and parlayed them into unrealistic expectations. When his staff learned to stay close and share relevant information frequently and consistently, the owner's thinking became more down-to-earth. On the other hand, a publishing CEO client learned to catch himself in the act of having visionary digressions if his staff asked directly whether he was having a "blue-sky moment" or focusing on current plans. A third senior executive was only able to right-size her goals when her staff used a drip method of bringing small bits of countervailing data to her attention over a number of days.
When all is said and done, for as long as you stay in the job, you're still responsible for helping your team and your boss be and look successful. And as frustrating as it can be to work for an unrealistic leader, your goal should be to satisfy as much of the organization's mission as possible while maintaining your sanity and self-respect.
Liz Kislik helps organizations from the Fortune 500 to national nonprofits and family-run businesses solve their thorniest problems. She has taught at NYU and Hofstra University