Latest fromOfficial Cash Rate
Ireland slips back into the dark Eighties
The country may have to suffer the indignity, like Greece, of asking for a bailout to keep it afloat.
<i>Inside Money: </i>Why ratings are over-rated
Are you swelling with national pride? New Zealand has once more been granted Aaa status by international credit-ratings agency Moody's.
<i>Inside Money: </i> Bean counters savings advice
Should savers expect to live off their incomes?
<i>Bernard Hickey - </i> The free market god doesn't exist
I feel like a priest who has been wrestling with his belief in god...
M&A dominates Wall St, gold holds hear high
Mergers and acquisitions dominated activity on Wall St, with almost US$10 billion of deals announced as the S & P 500 Index held near a four-month high.
ASB farewells Goldstein as 11-year ad campaign ends
ASB Bank has confirmed that the face of its long running advertising campaign, New York banker Ira Goldstein, will be no more.
New rules mean lower profits for NZ banks, says Moody's
Credit rating agency Moody's says new global banking rules are likely to lead to structural changes to the New Zealand banking system and lower profits.