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Wheeler warns against credit growth (+video)
Reserve Bank governor Graeme Wheeler has warned excessive credit growth may trip up New Zealand's economic rebalancing and has singled out agricultural debt as being uncomfortably high.

Greens' money plan 'wacky' - Key
John Key says the Greens' call for the Reserve Bank to print more money in a bid to devalue the dollar is "pretty wacky'' and could create a financial crisis.

Labour sees merit in Greens' money call
National says the Greens' call for the Reserve Bank to print money in a bid to devalue the dollar is a "snake-oil solution" but it has backing from Labour.

Brian Fallow: Monetary policy needs mates
Brian Falllow ponders what can be done about the high kiwi dollar. And would changing the Reserve Bank's statutory mandate do any good?

Property Report: Buoyant Auckland still leads the way
The steady life in sales and prices started in the central Auckland suburbs over a year ago and has now spread across the new supercity. But as Bruce Morris reports, it's still tough going out in the provinces.

English names new Reserve Bank Governor
Former World Bank operations director, Kiwi born Graeme Wheeler will be the new Reserve Bank Governor from September.

Record high number of agents see house prices rising
The BNZ-REINZ Residential Market Survey for May shows record highs in the net percentage of real estate agents who see prices rising.