Latest fromOfficial Cash Rate
David Tripe: Keep Reserve Bank out of the house
"While there's been much hand-wringing over housing prices, is intervention by the Reserve Bank really the answer?" asks David Tripe.
Shadow board tips OCR hold
The NZIER shadow board thinks the Reserve Bank should keep the official cash rate on hold at 2.5 per cent tomorrow.
NZ dollar breaks through 86 cent barrier
The New Zealand dollar has continued its rally, topping 86 US cents and charting a new record on a trade-weighted basis.
GDP up on forecasts
Stellar growth in the last three months of 2012 indicates the economy started this year with more momentum than expected - sufficiently more, perhaps, to counter the headwind of drought.
IMF cautions against tinkering
The International Monetary Fund counsels against "messing with" the NZ monetary policy framework.
Reserve Bank warning shot
Reserve Bank governor Graeme Wheeler delivered a warning to the financial markets yesterday - don't assume interest rates can only go up from here.
Governor opts for decision by committee at Reserve Bank
The Reserve Bank is taking a more collegial approach to decision-making, with governor Graeme Wheeler announcing a governing committee.
New tools for central bank this year - English
Bill English says the Government is "considering formalising" proposals to restrict bank lending and other "tools" to control credit growth.
Govt deficit less than forecast
The New Zealand government had a smaller than expected first-half operating deficit after Treaty of Waitangi settlement costs didn't eventuate in the period.
Listings low, asking prices soar
A slight rebound in the number of new home listings last month did little to alleviate pressure in the property market.