Landlords 'a danger to financial system'
Reserve Banks says landlords could be a danger to New Zealand's financial system in the event of a housing collapse as it looks to tighten lending rules.
Reserve Banks says landlords could be a danger to New Zealand's financial system in the event of a housing collapse as it looks to tighten lending rules.
The Reserve Bank is cutting staff numbers as it restructures its operations.
In the last year, Auckland house prices were up 16 per cent and it is expected pressures will build up house prices even more.
Building height restrictions and NIMBY attitudes in inner Auckland are standing in the way of an response to Auckland's housing shortage, the Reserve Bank governor says.
Enjoy low oil prices while they last, though how long that will be is anyone's guess, writes Brian Fallow.
Does anybody believe the warning from the Governor of the Reserve Bank that Auckland house prices could crash, or in economic jargon, suffer a "sharp correction"?
The money printing by central banks of other nations is dribbling down into our housing market, writes Bernard Hickey.
Inflation dropped below the Reserve Bank's annual 1 to 3 per cent target range in calendar 2014, extinguishing beyond doubt any expectations of an increase in its official cash rate this year and prompting talk that the next move could instead be a cut.
Bigger is better? Not when it comes to the price we're putting on selling smaller homes, according to new figures out from Trade Me.
Exceptionally low oil prices have thrown world financial markets a curve ball by driving bond yields sharply lower and undermining share prices.
New figures show Auckland property sales were the biggest in December for a decade - but it seems there's now a severe dearth of listings.
In dramatic terms 2014 ended with several big business and economic stories on cliff- hangers.
The services sector slowed in November while remaining in expansion, adding to evidence the economy is adjusting to a more moderate pace of growth.
New Zealand food prices fell in November led by cheaper spring time vegetables and cheese prices.
NZIER's monetary policy shadow board believes the Reserve Bank should keep its official cash rate on hold at 3.5 per cent tomorrow, as the financial markets are confident it will.
The Reserve Bank is working on new regulations for loans to big property investors which are likely to see them pay higher interest rates.
New banknotes set to be released late next year will cost around $80 million.
The Reserve Bank has unveiled more vibrant and secure banknote designs which will progressively enter circulation later next year.
This week's Financial Stability Report made it clear that Auckland has become the centre of NZ's economic and political universe, more than ever, writes Bernard Hickey.
A leading economist has raised doubts about the practicality of a Reserve Bank landlord crackdown.
First-home buyers took out only 10 per cent by value of mortgages given by New Zealand banks in September.
New Zealand has had a lucky break. We have come through a phase of rapid economic growth without generating any serious spike in inflation.
It's time the Reserve Bank found a way to rein in New Zealand's biggest landlords, writes Bernard Hickey.
Economists and the financial markets see virtually no chance the Reserve Bank will lift the official cash rate from 3.5 per cent when it reviews it on Thursday.