Editorial: Hero or villain? NZ's housing boom is back
Hot property in a pandemic? The housing market is heating up again despite Covid.
Hot property in a pandemic? The housing market is heating up again despite Covid.
All the signs are pointing to the housing market as NZ's economic safety net - again.
NZ's first recession in 11 years is a reminder we wasted the opportunity for real change.
New Zealand's debt mountain keeps growing everywhere except in the sector it should be.
We're hard-wired to hate uncertainty but coping with it offers our best chance of success.
In the grand scope of the Covid downturn the impact of this lockdown is not catastrophic.
Central bank could lend direct to retail banks to ensure OCR cuts get to customers.
To print or not to print - the RBNZ's next big call is whether to expand the QE programme.
A much better than expected bounce in the domestic economy could mean no need.
The main focus today will be on the Reserve Bank's interest rate call.
We measure recession in GDP points, but the reality of downturn and recovery runs deeper.
Our two new Covid-19 cases are a "cautionary tale" on travel, CNN's Richard Quest says.
We say: The Reserve Bank has reassured on financial stability but some big risks remain.
The Reserve Bank has doubled down.
Westpac economists say the Reserve Bank will be forced to cut OCR below zero this year.
LVRs were first introduced in October 2013 to curb an overheated housing market.
Comment: Immediate mortgage and business debt breaks would be a better approach.
The RBNZ will begin a quantitative easing programme for the first time in NZ's history
Bank: 'This is going to spill through to some more unemployment and business failures.'
Westpac says it will pass on the full OCR cut.
The central bank was not scheduled to review the OCR until March 25.
Comment: A surge in joblessness would indicate our economy has slammed into reverse.
Comment: The Reserve Banks appears no longer content with its limited authority.
Still more fiscal stimulus looks likely if the coronavirus outbreak gets worse.
New Zealand's economy faces a short sharp shock in first quarter, says economic institute.
The Reserve Bank is relying on three channels to assess local coronavirus fallout.
Central bank predicts mild hit from coronavirus, with households remaining confident.
New jobs data points to strong NZ economy but coronavirus could cut 1st quarter GDP 0.6%.
Inflation expected to rise, but reducing pressure on interest-rate settings.
Independent Economist Cameron Bagrie on what he'd fix in the economy.