Theresa Gattung, Investor, Entrepreneur and former chief executive of Telecom New Zealand, Photo by Sara Orme, supplied to the New Zealand Herald
Theresa Gattung, Investor, Entrepreneur and former chief executive of Telecom New Zealand, Photo by Sara Orme, supplied to the New Zealand Herald
Money Talks is a new podcast series where well-known Kiwis talk about the impact money has had on their lives and how it has shaped them.
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When Theresa Gattung became the first female chief executive of a major public company at just 37, she also had to deal with the publically scrutiny of her salary being published.
As head of Telecom - then the country's largest company - she regularly featured at the top of the Herald's executive pay surveys - something that business leaders aren't always thrilled about.
"I didn't mind about the CEO pay surveys... I can remember Ann Sherry [former Westpac CEO] and I when we were number 1 and 2, saying well this is actually really good role modelling for girls and women coming through.
"What I minded more is that once Ann Sherry and I were no longer in the corporate world there was a decade when there were no women on that list.
"So the fact that we've now got women running banks, we've got Jolie [Hodson] running Spark...we've got more women back through that list,'s been a long time between drinks."
"It's about being prepared to take risks. If you don't have that genie in you, if that's not part of your DNA make-up, that's fine, stay in the corporate world, don't become an entrepreneur.
Theresa Gattung in Telecom days. November 2000 New Zealand Herald Photograph by Mark Mitchell.
"I believe that money is an energy, if you both spend and give, you will get back," Gattung says.
"This sounds a bit airy-fairy I know. But I thought that I've got keep that energy flowing. I've never thought it was my own individual brilliance, I've always seen it as a co-creation.
"It's sometimes just sheer good luck."
Having money has enabled her to be more generous than she might have been, she says.
But she admits that when you're earning big money you do start to enjoy the good life.
"Now I would never fly anywhere internationally economy . I just couldn't body wouldn't bend into the seat.. So you do get used to a nice life once you're on a good income."
Ultimately though Gattung says money for her has been about freedom.
"I don't equate it with being a better person... I don't believe that whoever dies the richest has won. Money for me is totally about freedom."
Money Talks
Money Talks is a new podcast series. It isn't about personal finance and isn't about economics, it's just well-known New Zealanders talking about money and sharing some stories about the impact it's had on their lives and how it has shaped them.
You can find new episodes in the Herald, or subscribe on iHeart Radio, or wherever you get podcasts.