Hundreds of still-burning mobility scooters and crushed Zimmer frames litter the streets of Wellington tonight after a Babyboomer Rights (BBR) rally turned violent.
Riot police moved in to disperse the crowd earlier today when thousands of BBR protestors threatened to storm Te Papa museum, apparently mistaking it for the Beehive.
Police Minister, Sir Colin Mathura-Jeffree (allegedly 28), justified the brutal crackdown on cultural grounds.
"Sir Peter Jackson was opening his Hobbit retrospective this afternoon," Sir Colin said. "We couldn't have all those nasty brown polyester slacks and lime jumpsuits frightening off the tourists. OMG! Just imagine the clash."
The Wellington BBR rally followed a string of similar protests across the country, sparked initially by the refusal of high-profile pensioner activist Winston Peters (105) to pay the $1 fare and surrender his now illegal Gold Card to a Tauranga bus driver.