If you ever want to start an argument between professionals within the HR and recruitment industries, just wonder out loud "should I have a photo on my CV?"
For some reason this question really polarises people into the "definitely do" and "definitely don't" categories. Some professionals say you will be judged if you include a photo, while others say it helps identify and remember candidates throughout the ongoing recruitment process.
These days most profiles on LinkedIn include a photo of some description (in fact it's a bit weird if they don't), so why is having a photo on your CV such an issue?
Is a photo relevant?
For me, the question should instead be "is my personal appearance relevant to this position?" Some roles demand a high level of personal presentation and appearance. For example, customer facing roles such as Sales Representative, Retail Consultant and Receptionist all have a high level of customer interaction, therefore your standard of presentation is part of the recruitment mix.
On the other hand, internally focused roles such as IT or finance don't have a strong customer interaction, and a photo is not so important in this instance.