Psychologists differ on the exact amount body language plays in a successful interview, with estimates as wide as 40 per cent to 90 per cent of the success criteria. Whoever is right, it reinforces the fact that correct body language is a major key to progressing forward in the interview process.
Career consultant Mike De Boer believes "body language sets the interview chemistry starting from when you arrive on the premises. Avoiding closed body language, like crossed legs and arms, as well as looking down and slouching, can really improve your perception in the employer's mind."
Sit up and take confidence from the fact you have been selected ahead of numerous other candidates for this interview. Sitting up keeps you focused and alert, while slouching gives the impression that you don't really care about the opportunity that you are being interviewed for. Don't rock on your chair or put your feet on the coffee table (both of which have happened to me while I have been interviewing senior level candidates.)
Try not to be annoying…