This is the time of year when most of us have just got back to work, or are facing our return to the office in the next week or so. Taking time to explore what you want to achieve or do differently this year is very important. Asking yourself key questions about your career and personal life, can give you great positive direction for the following 12 months. I encourage you to contemplate the following questions:
Am I looking forward to my return to the office?
This is probably the most honest question you can ask yourself to get a definitive answer, and on most occasions your "gut-feel" will be able to point the way. Hopefully you will have a sense of excitement about the year ahead; however for many, a sense of dread and stomach knots will be more indicative of your desire to return.
Ask the tough questions, honour yourself with the tough answers
However the worst feeling of all is… nothing… This numbness is a sign you are either bored out of your mind within your comfort zone, and need to take steps to break out, or even worse, really just don't care…